Monday, December 15, 2014

Final Post!

With the Nov-Dec art dump done, I'd like for anyone who's visiting this blog to keep up with my future stuff :D I have unfortunately decided not to pursue Graphics Design in order to full-time focus on my CGI works. I'll be finishing off with just a BA (yea I know :[ ) but instead, I will put a ton of work into my portfolio in order to ready myself to join the gaming industry as a 3D modeler/CGI artist/Animator. Here are some 3D models I did of pokeballs to celebrate the release of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire! Graphics Design/Typography class was amazing and helped me developed my 2D skills more but ate away at my 3D time. I will be applying for internships at companies across the US and hopefully land on one. For anyone that is interested, hopefully you can see me someday at E3, launching an indie game, or better yet, launching a AAA title :}

My Twitter is:
And my deviantART account is: (relaunched)
And my recently launched FB Fanpage is:

Hope everyone enjoys their break!

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